Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rihanna "Hard" Video Premiere

Soooo!! The video premiered today, and I must say that I love it. It's sexy. It's hot. It's fueled with visual orgasms and energy. Rihanna is stepping it up. I can't complain. I know what to expect from her, and this was hot. What do you think?


Psoriatic said...

Rihanna definitely knows how to sell it (in her videos and on stage etc.).. but it's kind of funny seeing her as a drill sargent

mOsWaGG said...

Well Wayne you know im a Rihanna stan!! and I love this video ..she is hot and sexy and all the haters can have a seat! they mad cuz they thought RiRi wasn't gonna make it this far. they musta forgot what label she was on. All the females out now are different ..Lady Gaga, Beyonce & Rihanna. U can't compare the three ..I love RiRi and Hard is genius lol