Monday, April 27, 2009

Beyonce Tappin Dat Box Office Ass!!!

Sooooooooo Beyonce tops the box office this weekend with "Obsessed". Getting the US to shell out 28.5 million dollas out of their pockets to see her whip some Ali Larter ass. Get it gul!! Aint no shade or hate over here. I'm proud of her. What was the estimation? 15-20 mil? Or was it 10? Cause I can't seem to remember, but whatever it was, they were WRONG!!!

PS. What other movies came out this weekend? Cause I just can't seem to remember that ish. I just can't. Jamie Fox who? Terrance Whata?? What's that white guy name who was kickin all that ass in those previews with Terrance Whata??? OMG!! My memory is shocked, but there is one thing plain and clear that I can remember. Beyonce not only tapped Ali's ass, but she tapped that Box Office's ass as well! Job well done!!